Monday, December 18, 2006

New Year....New Movement!!!

word of mouth

2006 is shaking it’s last shimmy, and if you’re like us you’re thinking this year was faster than a Real World: Denver girl.—We’re sensing 2007 will prove even more exciting, so to keep you of the Progressive Lifestyle positioned for your next move, Inque has bloomed! Whether it’s ensuring you never again fly sans your dream companion (see life + style article), or staying equipped with the win-savvy strategies to always look the Urban Sophisticate part, (see fashion + beauty piece)—we’re here to enhance that element of refinement to your game. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any hâuter—it does. For your viewing pleasure we bring you ‘Swaggerscopes’, ‘Theory of Elevation’ and more—all in one ground breaking lil’ newsletter of mystic proportions. Enjoy!...No really, recline, relax, and enjoy, we insist... In style and truth,

Natalie and Patricia

life + style:
on, give it to me daddy……

Upon initial exposure to the Daddy’s ( delectable goods, I was admittedly, charmed. Since then, I’ve not managed to suppress the easy smile sliding across my visage whenever I take in a daily read. Today, I tip my cashmere beret to the online lifestyle publication as they span bi-coastal in their new editions. Their ‘Travel’ article (see their Archives) aroused immediate desire to book the hell out of my next flight... One Click Closer to the Mile High Club: online dating meets flight booking.

You stow your bag in the overhead compartment and start checking out the on-flight cocktail options when you look up to see your flight mate.
The Fantasy: A voluptuous honey slides into the seat next to you. She just got out of a serious relationship and is looking to have some fun. She's also nervous about flying. Do you mind if she turns to you for comfort during turbulence?
The Reality: A sweaty obese man clambers in, complaining about the weather in Cincinnati. He sneezes repeatedly, informing you he has an airborne virus. Later, he falls asleep, snoring, with his head on your shoulder and hand on your thigh.

Airtroductions is a way to clock up digits and Frequent Fliers miles on the same trip. The idea came to creator Peter Shankman after he sat next to Miss Texas on a flight from Houston to New York, on what he calls a "fun flight." Most of his other flights, surprisingly, were not as "fun," so he decided to create Airtroductions to make everyone's odds a little better.
The website allows you to create a "traveler's profile," complete with a personal descriptions, stats, a picture and an "I'm more comfortable with" checklist (tick off options like "Prada" or "Levi's," "Vodka Martini" or "Beer"). Once you enter your flight information, you are connected with all of the other site members on that plane. You can pre-scope, pre-flirt, trade seat information, and end up with your own in-flight entertainment.
If, sadly, the pickings are slim and your flight consists mostly of screaming kids and married accountants, take heart: you can still rack up a few miles by arranging a cab share.’
So not exclusive to the Urbane male, any Urban Mami worth her grain of cosmopolitan salt will indulge in a complimentary subscription as well.

on the rise

Forever unique, and always pushing the envelope, Style(a)holics Founder and CEO Najwa Moses is dead set on opening your eyes to the endless possibilities of no boundaries in life and style– all while becoming the next media darling. Daring , but not so difficult for a seasoned industry veteran that saw an increasing need for a universal platform for those creative entrepreneurs to interact and exchange with press, industry and consumers seeking “the next” during the wake of September 11, 2001. Already an FIT alumna, and an independent accessories designer herself, she pioneered the national phenomenon of the shopping party as part of her tenure at The Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce. This shopping party, later known as “The Closet”, provided the necessary buzz for emerging talent to compete in an already crowded market. Subsequently, in 2003, Style(a)Holics Productions was officially borne.

Today, Style(a)Holics Productions integrates unique products and services such as video podcasting, blogging, and lifestyle fetes to promote the growth of emerging and creative entrepreneurs. “Podcasting facilitates the social currency necessary to feed the inevitable revolution of the fashion industry and beauty industries.” Her successful weekly video podcast show, “The IN List” illuminates this social currency as she interviews the best and the brightest in the fashion, beauty, art and entertainment industries.

Moses continues to propagate eclecticism through various projects that compliment the Style(a)Holics Productions mission. She currently serves as a style commentator for NPR's Day to Day Show, selected as an MTV trendspotter, and has several upcoming projects, including an interactive deal with Coty, Inc. Moses is making more than power moves with her company, she is starting a new media revolution.

To tune in to “The IN List”: for new outrageous episodes every Tuesday

fashion + beauty

I bestow unto you; urban glitterati, the inalienable right to don the hottest gear- 90 percent off retail. This blessing will come to you by way of private sample sales. Usually reserved for members of the media, these sales allow editors to look the part for a fraction of the price. These sales are usually by invitation only and your name is checked at the door, but if you’re anything like me, there are always ways inside. Here are some of the best kept secrets of the fashion gods:

Manolo Blahnik– get shoes for $100!
The sale takes place every season at the Warwick Hotel from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. What insiders don’t know is that the doors open up to the public after 11 a.m. The only ones who know about this well-guarded secret? Loyalists who are in with the store clerks and friends of editors.
Aeffe– a fashion plate’s dream: Narciso, Moschino, Alberta Ferretti, and Jean Paul Gaultier
No publicist at the door! They assume that if you know about the sale the day before it officially happens you belong. Walk right in and shop.
Chanel- Current season bags for $100, gowns $200...need we say more?
This sale is so exclusive that many editors aren't invited and, frankly, you probably won't be allowed in, but if you know someone in the industry, getting on this list is worth calling in favors.
Escada– Among one of my favorites:
The line to this sale is legendary, so get there early and bring a newspaper and some coffee. Sometimes held in conjunction with Badgley Mishcka, Oscar-worthy gowns and sleek separates are practically free. Held at Bergdorf Goodman. (Apr)

Too Boot New York
Adam Derrick's men's shoes are functional, yet stylish. Style conscious men skip Bergdorf Goodman Men and come to the sale to save 50 to 80 percent. (Nov)

Vera Wang– Aww….for that special moment...
The grand dame of bridalwear has some of the greatest deals in the city. Out-of-towners fly in (for stunning gowns and bridesmaids dresses. Get there early to avoid long lines and catfights. (Nov)

theory of elevation
Truly, ‘thoughts are things’ and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire for their translation into riches, or other material objects.” –Napoleon Hill

“Thoughts are things”—brilliant truism, I know. The moment I absorbed this, my spirit was revitalized not merely by the lucidity of our free will, but by the potency of thoughts. The mind, after all, is our greatest human gift—when used optimally. It’s empowering to consider that each day we have a choice in the manner in which we live our lives. More importantly: the manner in which we think about ourselves within this life.

Insert Challenge: next time you’re engaged in a negative thought or self-depletion, treat yourself; apply your power of autosuggestion and replace it with positive thoughts and self- enhancing behavior. Not always easy, but this skill will invariably enrich your state of being (arguably)--more so than your devastating New Years extravaganza!—-Speaking of New Years, have you been ruminating on your ensuing greatness? It’s hardly incidental that you were created this beautiful, this talented, this sexí…this modest. Why not take the time to explore why you are so profoundly blessed---and maximize it for 2007!

Do believe, we choose our success. Those who suggest otherwise, suffer from a chronic case of Entropy, and simply haven’t exercised theirs yet…

Sipping by the Signs
Find the wine that aligns with your soul….

Capricorn (dec 22– jan 19)
Capricorns are goal-oriented, multitaskers who stay physically active. They need a complex red blend with a lot going on, like a California Meritage (rhymes with "heritage"). A Meritage is a blend of three or more Bordeaux grape varieties, specifically Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc and Malbec.

Aquarius (jan 20-feb 18)
Aquarians exhibit friendly, principled and practical traits, yet are fascinated by the odd and unique. A unique varietal to explore is Gewürztraminer, a spicy, sometimes-sweet-sometimes-dry wine originally from Germany

Pisces (feb 19– mar 20)
Pisces adapt well to change, are imaginative and love to mold themselves to other people. They also crave perfection. Soft and supple French red Burgundies change constantly in the glass, as the wine mixes with oxygen. They're as close to perfection as you can get.

Aries (mar 21-apr 19)
Aries love taking risks, and are bold and confidently aggressive. But they show a careless, soft side as well. Spicy and audacious California Syrah or southern Rhone wines are the ticket for Aries.

Taurus (apr 20– may20)
Stubborn and stable, Taureans get things done come what may. Yet their sensual side yearns for luxury and comfort when it's quitting time. Cabernet Sauvignons can be stubbornly tannic, but deliver a sensuous experience with coaxing.

Gemini (may 21– jun 20)
Intellectually curious, adaptable and clever, Geminis prefer simple things. Reliably delicious Australian Shiraz comes in many styles, from bold to fruity, which will satisfy a Gemini's thirst for variety.

Cancer (jun 21– jul 22)
Emotionally driven, Cancers live by feelings. They are shy and crave the comforts of home. With its tried-and-true reputation, California Chardonnay lights the way to please a Cancer.

Leo (jul 23– aug 22)
Leos want the best of everything. Prideful, determined and pleasure loving, the lion folk love entertaining. The best bubbly in the world, French champagne, is the only beverage that will satisfy the Leo and his guests.

Virgo (aug 23-sep 22)
Practical and focused on serving others, finicky Virgos don't like the spotlight. But they have excellent taste. Virgos should grab a well-known and classy Merlot.

Libra (sep 23– oct 22)
Great at bringing people together, Librans need to be liked. They bask in beauty of all kinds, and have a knack for being comfortable in all situations. Librans should try a smooth operating varietal, like an Australian Grenache Shiraz blend.

Scorpio (oct 23-nov 21)
Strong-willed, passionate and dogged, Scorpios have magnetic personalities. They should embrace a juicy, bold varietals that stands up to them, like red Zinfandel.

Sagittarius (nov 22– dec 21)
Sagittarians are free-thinkers, require a constant flow of information, and seem at home anywhere. They would benefit from a multitalented wine that differs bottle to bottle. Riesling, an adaptable white wine suitable for any occasion, fits the bill.

on our radar

blue genes
The ultimate destination for all things denim with über-stylish separates.
3400 Around Lenox Drive NE
Atlanta- 404 231 3400

blue nile ethopian restaurant
Don’t be turned off by this eatery’s strip mall location, it succeeds at pleasing the palate.. Be sure to order a glass of the Honey Wine for dessert.
9400 Richmond Ave
Houston- 713 782 6882

black book
For those power moves…
Get your sexy on- A destination site catering to those of us with discriminating tastes in music, cars, fashion, and lifestyle.

7th-10th Digital Hollywood @ CES– Las Vegas
12th–16th LA Shoe Show– Los Angeles
17th-18th 2007 Advertising Law +Business Affairs
18th–28th Sundance Film Festival– Utah

2nd-10th Olympus Fashion Week (Fall/Winter Collections)

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